Monday 18 March 2013

InDesign - Display Performance

View > Display Performance

Typical - fast but doesn’t look great

High Quality Display - Looks great but slows speed down

To Preview

press w (except when type box selected)

Presentation Mode Shift W

Esc to return to normal.

InDesign - Images to Place

InDesign - Export for Printing

File > Export

PDF Print or Interactive.

Print, check with your printer for required Adobe PDF presets.

Check with printer which Printers marks are required Esp Bleed.

InDesign - Create a Template

File > Save As

ID CS6 template

Great selection of free templates available at

InDesign - Linked Files

Open Links Panel in Dock

Linked Files are displayed

Either supply linked files to printer on disc
Smaller file size
Repeated files are only counted once


Embed files
Larger file size
Repeated files are counted every time and must be embedded every time they appear.

InDesign - Text Wrap

Select the image you wish to wrap around

Make sure text Wrap panel is open

(find it in Window or Dock)

Click on the third selection Wrap Around Object Shape

Contour Options : Detect Edges

Wrap Options : experiment, see what happens

Offset: 3mm

InDesign - Fitting Options

How to fit an image into a frame that you have drawn with Frame Tool.

Object > Fitting > Frame Fitting Options

Make sure Preview is ticked.

Click througt the options to see what they do.

InDesign - Resizing Placed Objects

Select Object
Select Free Transform Tool from tool box.
Use handles to resize.

If Free Transform Tool is not selected and you try to resize a placed object, the object will resize, but the frame will stay the same size.
This may mean that the placed object is cropped.

InDesign - Importing From Photoshop

Import images as PSD files

You can draw a frame and Place a file in the frame, or just Place the file straight onto your ID doc.

To move placed image around:

The circular handle and hand allow you to move the image but not the frame.
The arrow allows you to move image and frame.

InDesign - Importing from Illustrator

You Copy and Paste or Place

If you Copy and Paste from AI the image is editable.

If you Place from AI the image is not editable.

You can draw a frame and Place a file in the frame, or just Place the file straight onto your ID doc.

Don’t edit AI images in ID, edit them in AI. It is obviously much better for doing that.

To move placed image around:
The circular handle and hand allow you to move the image but not the frame.
The arrow allows you to move image and frame.

InDesign - Copy for Placing

With their makeup and costumes, Kiss took on the personas of of comic book style characters: Starchild (Stanley), The Demon (Simmons), Spaceman or Space Ace (Frehley) and Catman (Criss). the band explains that the fans were the ones who ultimately chose their makeup designs. Stanley became the "Starchild" because of his tendency to be referred to as the "starry-eyed lover" and "hopeless romantic". The "Demon" makeup reflected Simmons' cynicism and dark sense of humor, as well as his affection for comic books. Frehley's "Spaceman" makeup was a reflection of his fondness for science fiction and supposedly being from another planet. Criss' "Catman" makeup was in accordance with the belief that he had nine lives because of his rough childhood in Brooklyn. Because of creative differences, both Criss and Frehley were out of the group by 1982. The band's commercial fortunes had waned considerably by that point.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porta augue et enim posuere pretium. Suspendisse lobortis nisl eget risus vehicula auctor. Sed suscipit arcu eu enim vestibulum id convallis felis rhoncus. Aliquam dictum quam eget nibh iaculis venenatis. Ut tincidunt pharetra venenatis. Fusce cursus vehicula leo. Vivamus sed nunc non tortor sodales molestie a quis nunc. Curabitur ornare auctor augue vitae suscipit. Nam ut diam leo, at ornare sem. Integer pretium est rhoncus orci mattis consequat. Fusce semper dolor id nulla porttitor interdum.
Sed vehicula ligula non nunc mattis facilisis. Maecenas risus enim, egestas ac ornare ut, commodo in lacus. Sed in erat ipsum. Vestibulum luctus semper tincidunt. Phasellus bibendum massa sit amet leo pretium fermentum in quis elit. Sed congue consequat nulla, sed viverra arcu commodo nec. Suspendisse dui lorem, laoreet vitae varius at, interdum et nibh. Suspendisse pulvinar molestie metus, vel porttitor enim ultrices quis. Integer lacinia tellus nec nunc lacinia sit amet elementum orci feugiat. Nam accumsan iaculis luctus. Sed ligula orci, cursus tincidunt cursus a, tincidunt eget odio. Mauris ut nisi purus, vel condimentum massa. Praesent vel nulla mauris. Cras nec mauris eget velit auctor laoreet at ac ligula. Vivamus gravida, metus nec vestibulum dictum, justo purus rhoncus libero, non elementum tellus mauris at mi. Suspendisse malesuada quam vitae metus ultricies venenatis.
Mauris elit purus, cursus sit amet interdum eu, euismod non lectus. Fusce magna augue, semper vestibulum posuere quis, accumsan ac lectus. Duis a mauris quis quam lacinia consectetur. Sed nisl turpis, bibendum at posuere vitae, imperdiet id lorem. Curabitur sed elit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean vestibulum, risus ut placerat porta, lacus augue fringilla nunc, eget tincidunt tellus sapien sit amet urna. Sed in nisi vitae urna dapibus scelerisque. Vivamus posuere egestas diam, vel luctus risus tempor vel.
Ut ipsum quam, fermentum nec dictum sodales, lobortis ut turpis. Quisque iaculis felis varius augue hendrerit pharetra. Suspendisse vel ipsum turpis, at bibendum mauris. Vestibulum metus odio, pretium nec interdum sit amet, hendrerit ac diam. Ut vitae urna ut arcu ultricies ornare. Aenean nec est velit, at sollicitudin purus. Nulla vel gravida dolor. Phasellus suscipit imperdiet arcu, vitae aliquet leo fringilla in.
Suspendisse tempus, ipsum et iaculis consectetur, risus libero condimentum erat, nec euismod sem enim ut magna. Ut tortor nibh, faucibus rutrum vulputate a, ullamcorper a mi. Vivamus nec turpis elit. Sed vitae mauris nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent fringilla eros porta augue imperdiet consequat. Mauris rutrum augue nec erat convallis ut auctor justo accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut suscipit nibh id dui gravida dignissim. Donec egestas, erat at sollicitudin dictum, nulla nunc tristique nibh, eu commodo lorem quam adipiscing sapien. Aliquam vel velit nec sapien vestibulum tempor. Phasellus id magna nec felis aliquet viverra. Curabitur fringilla libero id est interdum fringilla. Pellentesque sit amet dolor tellus.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse porta augue et enim posuere pretium. Suspendisse lobortis nisl eget risus vehicula auctor. Sed suscipit arcu eu enim vestibulum id convallis felis rhoncus. Aliquam dictum quam eget nibh iaculis venenatis. Ut tincidunt pharetra venenatis. Fusce cursus vehicula leo. Vivamus sed nunc non tortor sodales molestie a quis nunc. Curabitur ornare auctor augue vitae suscipit. Nam ut diam leo, at ornare sem. Integer pretium est rhoncus orci mattis consequat. Fusce semper dolor id nulla porttitor interdum.
Sed vehicula ligula non nunc mattis facilisis. Maecenas risus enim, egestas ac ornare ut, commodo in lacus. Sed in erat ipsum. Vestibulum luctus semper tincidunt. Phasellus bibendum massa sit amet leo pretium fermentum in quis elit. Sed congue consequat nulla, sed viverra arcu commodo nec. Suspendisse dui lorem, laoreet vitae varius at, interdum et nibh. Suspendisse pulvinar molestie metus, vel porttitor enim ultrices quis. Integer lacinia tellus nec nunc lacinia sit amet elementum orci feugiat. Nam accumsan iaculis luctus. Sed ligula orci, cursus tincidunt cursus a, tincidunt eget odio. Mauris ut nisi purus, vel condimentum massa. Praesent vel nulla mauris. Cras nec mauris eget velit auctor laoreet at ac ligula. Vivamus gravida, metus nec vestibulum dictum, justo purus rhoncus libero, non elementum tellus mauris at mi. Suspendisse malesuada quam vitae metus ultricies venenatis.
Mauris elit purus, cursus sit amet interdum eu, euismod non lectus. Fusce magna augue, semper vestibulum posuere quis, accumsan ac lectus. Duis a mauris quis quam lacinia consectetur. Sed nisl turpis, bibendum at posuere vitae, imperdiet id lorem. Curabitur sed elit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean vestibulum, risus ut placerat porta, lacus augue fringilla nunc, eget tincidunt tellus sapien sit amet urna. Sed in nisi vitae urna dapibus scelerisque. Vivamus posuere egestas diam, vel luctus risus tempor vel.
Ut ipsum quam, fermentum nec dictum sodales, lobortis ut turpis. Quisque iaculis felis varius augue hendrerit pharetra. Suspendisse vel ipsum turpis, at bibendum mauris. Vestibulum metus odio, pretium nec interdum sit amet, hendrerit ac diam. Ut vitae urna ut arcu ultricies ornare. Aenean nec est velit, at sollicitudin purus. Nulla vel gravida dolor. Phasellus suscipit imperdiet arcu, vitae aliquet leo fringilla in.
Suspendisse tempus, ipsum et iaculis consectetur, risus libero condimentum erat, nec euismod sem enim ut magna. Ut tortor nibh, faucibus rutrum vulputate a, ullamcorper a mi. Vivamus nec turpis elit. Sed vitae mauris nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent fringilla eros porta augue imperdiet consequat. Mauris rutrum augue nec erat convallis ut auctor justo accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut suscipit nibh id dui gravida dignissim. Donec egestas, erat at sollicitudin dictum, nulla nunc tristique nibh, eu commodo lorem quam adipiscing sapien. Aliquam vel velit nec sapien vestibulum tempor. Phasellus id magna nec felis aliquet viverra. Curabitur fringilla libero id est interdum fringilla. Pellentesque sit amet dolor tellus.
Mauris elit purus, cursus sit amet interdum eu, euismod non lectus. Fusce magna augue, semper vestibulum posuere quis, accumsan ac lectus. Duis a mauris quis quam lacinia consectetur. Sed nisl turpis, bibendum at posuere vitae, imperdiet id lorem. Curabitur sed elit sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Aenean vestibulum, risus ut placerat porta, lacus augue fringilla nunc, eget tincidunt tellus sapien sit amet urna. Sed in nisi vitae urna dapibus scelerisque. Vivamus posuere egestas diam, vel luctus risus tempor vel.
Ut ipsum quam, fermentum nec dictum sodales, lobortis ut turpis. Quisque iaculis felis varius augue hendrerit pharetra. Suspendisse vel ipsum turpis, at bibendum mauris. Vestibulum metus odio, pretium nec interdum sit amet, hendrerit ac diam. Ut vitae urna ut arcu ultricies ornare. Aenean nec est velit, at sollicitudin purus. Nulla vel gravida dolor. Phasellus suscipit imperdiet arcu, vitae aliquet leo fringilla in.
Suspendisse tempus, ipsum et iaculis consectetur, risus libero condimentum erat, nec euismod sem enim ut magna. Ut tortor nibh, faucibus rutrum vulputate a, ullamcorper a mi. Vivamus nec turpis elit. Sed vitae mauris nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent fringilla eros porta augue imperdiet consequat. Mauris rutrum augue nec erat convallis ut auctor justo accumsan. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut suscipit nibh id dui gravida dignissim. Donec egestas, erat at sollicitudin dictum, nulla nunc tristique nibh, eu commodo lorem quam adipiscing sapien. Aliquam vel velit nec sapien vestibulum tempor. Phasellus id magna nec felis aliquet viverra. Curabitur fringilla libero id est interdum fringilla. Pellentesque sit amet dolor tellus.

InDesign - Place type into multiple type frames which you have drawn with the type tool

Shift select the frames.
In the bottom right hand corner of each frame, hold your curser over the white box until the type flow-on symbol appears.
Click it. 
Repeat for each frame.

To select all type on a page:
Click 5 times on part of the copy.

Drag the type document out of Mini Bridge onto the ID document or 

Select the first type frame and go File > Place and locate the copy.

Click in the first frame.

Click the red square at bottom right of first frame until it becomes blue and the link chain appears on your curser.

Click in the next frame.

Click the square at bottom right. Wait for link chain.

Click in next frame.

InDesign - Importing Copy

ID is good for setting copy.

You can do it in AI but ID is a vastly superior tool.

You can Copy and Paste copy.

The best way is to Place.

You can place a Doc or and RTF.

File > Place
Choose file.

In ID you get a little handle.

If you have columns:

Click at the top of column. Type will place.

To make type run across many columns:
Hold shift when clicking at top of first column.

InDesign - Create Coloured Page

Select Rectangle Frame Tool

Draw Frame Across Whole Page

Select Fill Colour from Swatches.

Go to Object > Lock.

Padlock Appears on Frame.

To unlock, click padlock.

InDesign - Guides

Turn on Rulers 

View > Show Rulers

Drag Guides from rulers

Shift Drag to line Guides up exactly with rulers

InDesign - Power Zoom

Select Hand Tool

Click and Hold down until Red frame appears.

Drag to required area and release.

InDesign - Viewing (Specific) Pages

Control Alt 0 to centre spread in window

Control 0 to centre page

To view specific pages. Control J

Type in Page numbers.


In Pages Panel

Double Click on Spread Numbers

Double Click on Page

InDesign - Setting Up A New Document

File > New Doc


Web - Only seen onscreen
pixels and RGB

Digital Publishing - For Apps

Pixels and RGB
Page size is device

Print- Print AND Onscreen

Number of pages?

Facing Pages - For brochures, books, magazines

Not Facing Pages - For one page or double sided, single sheet documents.

Page Size?

Number of columns?


More Options: Bleed. 5mm for most cases, but you should check with your printer.


Illustrator - Dramatic Sunset

Illustrator- Image Trace. Scanned Image with Adjusted Levels.

Illustrator - Image Trace. Scanned Image

Illustrator - Comparison Between Drawn Image and Live Traced Image

Both of the images were created in Illustrator.

For the image on the left I imported my pencil sketch and then traced it using the Pen Tool.
I threw away my sketch when I gad finished tracing.

It's slow but very accurate.

For the image on the right I imported my sketch into Illustrator and Live Traced it.
That means that the computer created the line work for me.

It's faster, but not as accurate.

Illustrator - Image Trace

In Illustrator go to the File Menu

File > Place..

Find your image and click OK

When your image has opened in Illustrator go to the Window menu.

Window > Image Trace

These are the optimal settings for tracing the scan we have created:

Click Trace.

If you are happy with the result, go to the Control Panel and click Expand.

Your drawing is now converted into vector art work.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Illustrator - Trace and Colour an Image Using Live Paint

We are going to recreate this piece using Illustrator.

First we'll use the pen tool to create line work by tracing the original image.
To make things easier I've created a template of the finished trace.

So using the pen tool with fill set to none and stroke set to black with a 1 pt thickness, trace the lines of the template. Notice that the lines demarcating different blocks of colour overlap each other.

When you have finished tracing, select all the line work and go to Object > Live Paint > Make.

Now select the Live Paint Bucket tool. The easiest way to do this by pressing the K on your keyboard.

You will notice that your curser is now a paint bucket with a swatch of colour above it.

If you move the curser over your artwork you will see that it highlights an individual area of your art work. If you click in that area the bucket will fill it with whichever colour you currently have selected.

When you have finished filling all the areas of linework you can release Live Paint by going to
Object > Live Paint > Expand.
This now transforms your artwork back into normal vectors which you can adjust as you usually would.

If you place the original Opie image on your page you can use the Eyedropper to colour your artwork very quickly. Just select the part of your artwork you want to colour, grab the Eyedropper and click on the corresponding area of the Opie image.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Ai Logo

Tools and effects needed to make this logo:

Rectangle Tool

Eyedropper Tool

Gradient Tool

Gradient Palette

Type Tool

Selection Tool

Fill and Stroke

Inner Glow FX

Drop Shadow FX

Right click on the Ai Logo above, save it to you desk top, then open it in AI

Using the Rectangle Tool (M) draw four small squares.

Select the first square then grab the Eyedropper Tool and click in the lightest part of the orange square in the Ai Logo

Select the second square then grab the Eyedropper Tool and click in the darkest part of the orange square in the Ai Logo

Select the third square then grab the Eyedropper Tool and click in the lightest part of the brown square in the Ai Logo

Select the fourth square then grab the Eyedropper Tool and click in the darkest part of the brown square in the Ai Logo

Bring up the Swatches Palette in the Dock and one by one, click on the Flyout Menu at the top right of the Swatches Palette and add New Swatch, to create new swatch. We will use these to colour the squares of the Ai Logo.

Now Trace the two squares of the Ai Logo.

Select one of them and fill it with the gradient from the Toolbox (>)

Now click on the Gradient palette in the Dock

There are two squares at the bottom of the gradient in the Gradient palette which represent the two colours in the gradient.
One at a time drag the two yellow swatches we have created from the Swatches Palette to the squares in the Gradient Palette. The Gradient in your square should now match that of the square in the Ai Logo!

Repeat this procedure for the brown square.

The brown square has an Inner Glow applied to it

Go to Effect > Stylise > Inner Glow

Se Mode to Multiply and the colour to black.
Opacity  40

Blur 3

Click Edge. Click Ok

Now select the Type Tool. (T)

Click anywhere on the desktop an type Ai

Change font to Myriad Pro, Semi Bold and resize to fit.

Turn the type into outlines Type > Create Outlines

Ungroup it. Object > Ungroup.

Now make it into a compound Path.

Object > Compound Path > Make

Select the orange square.

Hold Shift and Select the type.

Press the > key to fill them with the same colour.

Now select everything and group

Object > Group

Go to Effect > Stylise > Drop Shadow

Play with the settings to create a nice shadow.

Illustrator - Tracing Template 4

Illustrator - Tracing Template 3

Illustrator - Tracing Template 2

Illustrator - Tracing Template 1

Illustrator - tracing with the Pen Tool

Illustrator - Placing an Image

Illustrator - Pen Tool

Illustrator - Basic Actions

Illustrator - Tool Box